It’s time to mark your calendar and make plans to attend the New Mexico Crop Production Association’s 2025 conference. The dates are Monday, January 27, 2025 -Tuesday January 28, 2025. The conference will be held at the beautiful Inn of the Mountain Gods in Mescalero near Ruidoso. The number for reservations is 800-545-9011. They have given us room rates of $99.00-$109.99 per room, per night, single or double occupancy. Rates are subject to room tax, currently 10.75%. There is also a $20 resort fee per night, per room. The resort fee covers valet parking, in-room coffee/tea, two bottled waters, newspapers, use of bathrobes, sauna, hot tub, indoor pool, fitness center and Wi-Fi. You must request the rates for New Mexico Crop Production Association. The cut-off date for reservations for this rate is January 3, 2025. Any reservation request after that time may be accepted on a “space available” basis at the prevailing hotel rates. All rooms not reserved by 3:00 p.m. on this date will revert to Inn of the Mountain Gods for resale.
CEUs will be available for the following states: New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. CCA is also accrediting this conference.
You can register online and pay online with debit or credit cards by clicking here! If you prefer to send a check the registration form is available online so you can print it out and send it by mail. Note that the conference pre-registration cut-off date is January 8, 2025. Registrations received after that date are $15 more. We have a great slate of speakers and look forward to seeing you there. Please consider making a donation toward scholarships, coffee breaks, and door prizes. You will find that information on the registration form. There are three categories: gold, silver, and bronze. You may also donate online here.
If you have any questions or know of someone who is not on our mailing list that is interested in attending the conference contact Jackie Ford at (806) 773-7481 or email: Thank you for your support of the association.
Michael Ronquillo, Vice President